Not written … but I run

I have not written for 6 weeks on my progress on running. Now don’t think I was lazy – I have being running! I was successful in creating a sort of rhythm and regularity and “en passant” even lost some weight. Last weeks I traveled to Amman, Jordan and had a rare pleasure; we had the opportunity in running four days long in the snow. Yes, you her it right – 4 days snow in Amman. Now don’t think when it snows here you have a nice powder, it is more like a spring snow (or corn snow). The third day we had a lot of water mixed in so that our feet have being through and through splashy.

About two weeks earlier I was visiting Prague and could run on ice. I truly love that as you have to develop a smooth running style with well measured foot push in order not to slip. What I notice is that when my body is warm but the cold is around my face I have much different mood and motion to be outside.

Now the winter seems over and I can focus on the dry and warm period.

Learning to go out in any weather

That is a must! Over the past two days we had bad weather. I did run on Friday but not on Saturday and Sunday. I immediately feel bad when I can’t run when I actually wanted to. Today the clouds where hanging low and it looked like rain or maybe even snow. I put on my rain proof gear and went out. I do see advantages going to run in bad weather as you can enjoy not crowded tracks. When you live in the city and you are permanently engulfed in the crowd, running in a place empty of people will bring a true value. You can de-stress from the noise and chatters of others.

This run has being great! Free of chatter, noise, crowds, cars, pollution and rain. That only started when I reached home again 🙂

Searching for the ideal rhythm

It is common sense that we should be physically active three time per week (every other day) in order to stay in shape, not gaining weight, decrease stress and balance our life. And that’s what I am trying to do now. Ideal for me now is to run on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Ok that is four times – so what! I am aware and also by my own experiences in running it is not a big deal to run every day. On the other side I am amazed to find myself disputing over how many times a week I shall go running. I clearly seems to have experienced a shift in motivation.

Let me try this rhythm first and see how mind and body adjust to it.

Body and Mind is not yet in sync

After running two times at the start of this year I skiped running for five days and only went gaing today. Ok, I could now birng a lot of excuses such as; I was tired, bad weather, went late to bed etc. Even when one or the other point is true I try not to make excuses. Still, fact is I didn’t run for five days. I do not consider this as a breach of my New Years resolution. Anyone who is trying to bring change to his/her life knows how simple rules can be broken and it’s only you who is going to convince yourself to move forward. Also success is not meassured in short term but I’d rather look back after six months and see what I have achieved.

Finding the balance

Today was my second day of running in 2012. It’s amazing to find myself battling habits. My mind is in a constant disput of “your body is haevy” or “you are already tired” vs. “you have to go as you look bad and running it will make you feel good”. This reminds me that I once was running with a friend wo then told me that he was avery good athlete when in College and University. Now about 5 years later when we where running together he was amazed how quickly he lost all his fitness, gained weight, slept bad and aquired all the bad living habits. That is how today I feel myself. Over the years I have lost my Energy reserves due to tough times. But I know I will get out of it. It just needs it’s time.

Nice run today – about 7 km. I feel relative good in body and mind.